As anyone who has been around here will tell you, I like to take a whole life/whole person approach to exercise. While this approach allows for a lot of flexibility, it also breeds a heck of a lot of confusion. I use what I call a 2-2-2 format to “design” my weeks. It’s a great little mental checklist that ensures I am getting everything done that I should be while allowing a decent amount of flexibility.
I have always been a pretty consistent cardio queen and lifter, but as I get older I am learning that taking the time for some extra stretching and meditation is also important. So, right now, I basically ask myself to get two of each type of workout in per week; two cardio sessions, two strength training sessions, and two yoga sessions. Looking at it in that context it may seem like a lot. But, I am a stay at home mom/part time teacher/part time blogger, and I can assure you, it all gets done. Usually more than my minimum. Every week. Unless I am sick or injured.
A week when school is in session usually looks like this… I teach on Tuesday and Thursday, so those days are yoga with my class and cardio after I am done teaching. Monday, Wednesday, Friday are my strength training days. I do a legs/push/pull split before the little guy wakes up in the morning. Legs are straightforward; usually 6-8 exercises, one as plyometrics. Three sets of 12-15 reps of each done circuit style. Push and pull days I alternate between the same format as legs or Tabata style. So with the circuits or Tabata, I am getting additional cardio time. Each workout also includes some type of meditation or breath work as part of my cool down.
Summer weeks usually flip the cardio and strength. I drop the strength training to two days per week and move to an upper/lower format. Same number of exercises, sets and reps. High volume training for the win. I’ll do cardio three days per week and vary my tempo and intensity quite a bit for variety. Two of my cardio days will also include yoga sessions, albeit usually shorter than during the school year.
Most weeks, I am a 5-6 day a week exerciser. Note, I always give myself at least one full rest day. But the 2-2-2 format is actually really easy to modify for fewer workouts per week if I need. Say I am headed out of town or on vacation. Well, I can take it to 4 days per week by doing an upper/lower strength split on 2 days and the other two are cardio + yoga. I can even scrunch down to 3 days by doing an upper/lower strength split with both of those days Tabata or very fast paced circuit. Add a quick yoga session to one of those days and then then third day becomes cardio (usually less intense) and some yoga. Done-zo.
There are other benefits to this format too. It allows me to work out intuitively. Yes, I like my plans, but sometimes the body is just not feeling it. I believe it is critically important to listen to what your body is telling you at any given point. It may be on your calendar to do a heavy legs strength session, but your body may be telling you that it will be happier with some yoga today. Do the yoga. As long as I am checking the 2-2-2 boxes, I’m getting a really nice mix and everything I need, so I’m good.
If I am sick or hurt, I try to keep up the yoga as much as possible. It makes coming back easier. Plus, I feel better when I move, even sick. But on those occasions when I am just straight busted, I come back slow. A minimum of three symptom free days. Yoga first, then some light cardio until I’m symptom free for at least a week. Then I add strength training back in.
The 2-2-2 format has a ton of benefits and it keeps me exercising most weeks of the year. Just like anyone else, I have a week here or there when I am too sick and I certainly like to enjoy my vacation time. But I have been using this format for the last 5-6 years and I have been able to stay consistent for the majority of that time.