The weather is getting warmer and the kids are out of school. While that typically means a lot more time spent outside (yay!), it also brings the challenges of new schedules, more chaos, and less time for individual pursuits and self care. Including heading to the gym. But I’m here to let you in on a secret… If your kids are younger and love a trip to the playground, then you don’t need a gym!
It’s true. Those slides, swings, and monkey bars are not just for your littles to enjoy. You can use them to get a great workout while keeping an eye on the kiddos. And, bonus, you’ll be outside! All you’ll need (besides the aforementioned playground equipment) is yourself, some sturdy sneakers, and some water.
Pick three upper body and three lower body exercises and add two ab exercises and you have yourself a complete strength workout. You can also concentrate on just upper or lower body by choosing 4-5 of those exercises. You can complete these straight set style or as a circuit. I generally decide that based on the equipment I need and how crowded the playground is. Let’s be fair, the kids should have first pick.
With a Bench, Picnic Table, or Slide
Any flat surface can function like a flat bench in a gym.
Push Ups (upper body): You can use the surface as either an incline (makes full body push ups a bit easier) or decline (prop your feet on the surface with hands on the ground for a challenge). Complete push ups as you normally would (I don’t have to go over the form here, right?)

Incline Bench Push Ups

Tricep Dips (upper body): Place your heels on the ground and your hands on the surface with your fingertips facing your body. Contract your core and keeping your shoulders down, bend your elbows to lower your butt towards the floor. Exhale and press back up.

V Sit Crunches (abs): Sit on the surface with your hands slightly behind your hips. Hinge backwards and kick your legs up so your shins form a table top. Inhale and extend your body, exhale and crunch back to start.

Bench Jumps (lower body): Make sure to pick a surface with a height you feel you can jump to (that’s important and why there is no picture of this – our playground didn’t have a low enough bench. What can I say, I have zero ups.). Stand in front of the surface with your feet even and balanced. Using your upper body for balance only, explode up and jump onto the surface landing as softly as possible. Step back down and repeat.
Step Ups (lower body): Stand in front of the surface with feet even and balanced. Step one foot onto the surface, lifting the rest of the body. Swing your other leg up, bringing your knee towards your chest. Step back down and repeat. You may complete all one side or alternate feet.

Bulgarian Split Squats (lower body): Stand in front of the surface, facing away. Place one foot behind you on the bench. Bend your front knee and hip into a lunge keeping your back foot up on the bench and stable. Exhale and return to start.

Hip Bridges (lower body): Lay on the surface with your shoulder blades supported, your abdomen free, and both feet on the ground. Contract your core. Inhale and drop your hips towards the ground, exhale and return to a reverse plank position.

With Swings
Playground swings are the best stand-ins for suspension trainers. Depending upon the exercise, you may need two swings side-by-side.
Pistol Squats (lower body): Stand between two swings, gripping the inside chains, one in each hand. Balance on one foot bringing the foot across the balance leg’s knee. Bend the knee lowering into a squat with your arms extended. Exhale and return to start.

Reverse Lunges (lower body): Stand between two swings, gripping the inside chains, one in each hand. With your weight even between both feet, step one foot behind lowering into a lunge, extending your arms at the same time. Exhale and return to start.

Pikes (abs, shoulders): Using the seat of one swing, place your feet or shins across it. Place your hands on the ground, contracting your core to form a plank. Exhale and bring your feet in to your chest, lifting your hips. Inhale and return to start.

Mountain Climbers (total body, cardio): Using the seat of two swings, place one foot or shin across each. Place hands on the ground, contracting your core to form a plank. Alternating legs, bring knees in to chest. (Try as I might, I couldn’t get a great picture of this.)

Hamstring Curls (lower body): Using the seat of one swing, place your feet in/on with soles down. Facing upwards, rest your shoulder blades on the ground and lift your hips towards the sky. Exhale, bend the knees, bringing your heels closer to your butt. Inhale and return to start.

With Bars
A straight bar can’t be beat for core work, but don’t be intimidated if you aren’t ready or able to do full on pull ups. These exercises will work with shorter heights using your feet as pivot points.
Pull Ups (upper body and core): Like push ups, I’m pretty sure I don’t need to go over form here. Be sure to choose a grip that is comfortable for your wrists, though. For real, hard core pull ups, use a high bar or monkey bars. For a modified version, use a bar at waist height, walking your feet out to use your heels as a pivot.

Hangs (upper body and core): You’ll need something up higher for this one. Grip the bar with hands shoulder width apart in a manner that is comfortable for your wrists. Contract your core and hang, trying not to sway. Hold for as long as possible. These can also be done Presidential Physical Fitness style with bent elbows.

Knee Ups (abs): Using a high bar and a comfortable grip, bring yourself into a hanging position. Contract your core and bend your knees up and in towards your chest. Inhale and return to start. Try to avoid swaying in between reps.

I love playgrounds for the outdoor strength opportunity. And you can get a pretty decent full body workout in with just one free piece of equipment!
Which exercises will you try the next time you’re at the playground?