It’s that time again when I share with you the things that have given me the heart eyes over the last couple of months. As always, nothing sponsored here, just my own enthusiasm.
There have been some really interesting research findings published lately about different aspects of wellness. Some physical dimension, some mental and emotional, but the common thing with most of these, at least for me, is that this is new. Research is always good, and as a science-loving gal I’m typically interested. But new things that might have repercussions are rare.
This came out earlier this summer and is hinting that white meat has a similar effect on cholesterol levels as red meat. That’s a huge eye opener since we have been hearing since the 1960s that we should switch red meat for white to protect our heart health. This study suggests animal meat in general might have negative impacts, which is yet another reason to head towards a plant based diet. Or at least Meatless Mondays.
If you’ve been around here for a bit or have checked out my Instagram, you’ll know that I am a huge proponent of exercising outside. This study suggests that you don’t have to exercise outside to reap mental health benefits. Just being out in nature helped individuals feel happier with their lives. Smell a rose indeed.
If you have a family history of Alzheimer’s or dementia, put the crossword puzzle down and listen up. This study found that exercise may have a huge preventative effect on the onset of Alzheimer’s. By slowing the accumulation rate of certain proteins in the brain, moderate exercise was shown to slow down the onset of symptoms. So maybe take a 30 minute walk before you do your next crossword.
If you are a mother or daughter, or are involved romantically with or related to a woman, go read this article. Seriously, if you click on one link from this post, let it be this one. This article focuses specifically on what mothers are teaching their daughters about beauty, confidence, and self worth. And it hit home for me on many levels. Even though I have a son, it got me thinking about what I am teaching him in terms of a woman’s value. When I complain about my physical body and he hears it, I am teaching him that it is okay to judge and value people, especially females, for only those things. And that is NOT okay. He might only be three, but he notices and I am teaching him how and what a man should be. So this mama is trying her best to change her inner monologue, if not for herself for the next generation.
On a lighter note, I will be the horrible cliché and talk about how much I am loving pumpkin. To be fair, I have always loved it. I eat it year round, not just in pumpkin season. And I don’t tend to do the super trendy things, either. I am not a pumpkin latte girl (I actually don’t drink coffee, but I digress), so other than stirring it into my oatmeal (which I have done since before Pinterest was a thing), I mostly bake with it, which the little guy loves helping with, too.
I have been enjoying that my hair is a bit longer. Fairly random, but true. I cut my hair to chin length about two years ago and there is stayed for awhile, but over the spring and summer I let it grow a bit into a true “lob” length. It is still short enough I feel like I have to do something with it, which means it looks good. But it’s also easy to manage and care for so I am not spending oodles of time. Win, win.
Spring is probably my favorite season (what can I say, I love saying goodbye to winter), but fall runs a very close second. There is just something so beautiful about the changing leaves next to a bright blue sky.
Lastly, I am excited for Halloween this year. My husband is a Halloween Grinch, but my little guy loves it. Truly. He must see the Halloween decorations. Every. Single. Night. I’m eager to see what he will want to dress up as. And if I’ll be able to DIY it. Because I love crafts, too!
Until next time, be well friends!