Hello to you out there in wellness world! I am coming at you today with my semi-regular round up of links that have caught my eye and things that I am super digging. And, as usual, nothing here is sponsored, just me trying to share some of the things that make me happy.
Geneva over at Collective Gen shared this round up of easy DIY bags to replace plastic. I am totally eyeing the macramé one for the copious amounts of produce I buy weekly. She posts some amazing clothing DIYs (which I wish I had the talent/patience for), so go check out her site if you are into that sort of thing.
The crew over at MindBodyGreen shared this awesome article about creating emotional awareness. I have always thought of a family as a team and this article really encourages some team tactics to create the homes we want. There are some really great tips that we plan on implementing in our family come the new year.
I stumbled across this video on YouTube recently. If you are a person who has ever been in the loop of size comparison, especially comparing your past and present self, or if you have ever been completely mystified by current clothing sizes, watch this!
And, it wouldn’t be a links and loves from me if I didn’t throw one from Sadia at Pick Up Limes at you. This one… I am not sure I have the words to do it justice. Different aspects probably hit home for each of us individually, but shame, guilt, and vulnerability are universal.
This fall/early winter, I have been super into hot chocolate. I love me some tea, and I drink it pretty regularly. But sometimes, tea is just flavored dirt water. Dark chocolate is typically part of my day and, I dunno… Warm, dark chocolate hot cocoa. With cinnamon. At the end of a long day. Yup, that’s where I am.
I am down with simplifying the holiday season. For many years now, we have been the house that tries to remember everyone and everything. Too much doesn’t even come close to describing it. This year, we are cutting down. I’d much rather concentrate on sharing my time with the people I care most about. We also decided that rather than give gifts to all of the kiddos the little guy interacts with (who are probably receiving enough) and send holiday cards, we’d rather give more to the people on our church’s Angel Tree.
I am Loving, yes, capital L loving, Germany. This year, my family was fortunate enough to have the experience of living in Germany for several months. And it was amazing. A-ma-zing. I know you want details, and I promise I will have much more on the blog in the new year. Especially since travel and the opportunity to live abroad both check about a bazillion wellness boxes. For now suffice it to say, Germany rules!
To that end, this will be my last blog post for 2019. Holy lighted Christmas tree Batman, did I actually type that?!?! I’ll be hard at work behind the scenes on some awesome stuff, though, so definitely stay tuned!
Thank you for hanging out in my corner of the internet this past year! I wish you a lovely holiday and I will see you in 2020!
Until next time, be well, friends!