I hope that everyone out there in internetland is doing well and has found some sort of new, albeit very weird, normal. Most other wellness and fitness gurus are jumping in to provide templates for meal planning and prepping or at home workouts under shelter in place and social distancing circumstances. So, I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring as well.
A couple of quick caveats… Some are suggesting that a certain diet/food or exercise/workout may help prevent coronavirus. Not true. Any immunity boosting effect that these practices might have happens over time. (There is my pitch for consistency again. Don’t you love that I’m, you know, consistent?!?!) In addition, these effects are seen for general immunity, not specific to one particular disease.
Therefore I am in no way suggesting that the workout below is going to help you beat coronavirus. This workout is only intended to combat the boredom that comes with being stuck in one place or the anxiety from being overly attentive to the current situation.
This workout is equipment free, ticks both the cardio and strength training boxes, requires only a 6×6 foot patch of floor space (or outdoor space) to complete, and can be done in 20-30 minutes. I am also posting a kid friendly version. Because the kids are home and need to get the wiggles out.
Complete the following exercises as a circuit. Each exercise should be done for 45 seconds with a 15 second rest between exercises. You can repeat the circuit 2-3 times.
- Jumping Jacks
- Air Squats
- Butt Kickers (jog in place while trying to kick your own tush with your heels)
- Push Ups
- High Knees
- Lunges
- Ski Jumps (jump laterally with both feet back and forth over an imaginary line)
- Superman Lat Pull Ins (see pic below)
- Boxer Shuffle
- Crunches

Older kids (10 and up) can probably complete this as is, with maybe two circuits instead of three. For younger kids, you can compress the times. Complete the odd numbered exercises (cardio) for 30 seconds, the even numbers (strength) for 15 seconds and then have a 15 second rest.
Let me know in the comments if you try it out, or you can tag me on Instagram @mentalmusclewellness with a #sweatyselfie. And if you aren’t following on Insta, join me, where I am posting other home based workouts!
Until next time, be well friends!