Hello, hello Wellness Warriors! It is time, again, for me to sing the praises of a bunch of stuff that I have unearthed from the land of the internet or I am otherwise just having the heart eyes about. As usual, there is nothing sponsored, just me wanting to share some nerdy goodness with you!
This article popped up in one of my Get Pocket’s recently and it got my wheels turning. Busy-ness is something that we believe should be praised and most of us are constantly bemoaning the state of semi-chaos that our lives run in. But it doesn’t need to be that way. And in fact, it probably shouldn’t be.
Intermittent fasting is a hot diet and nutrition topic right now. And, as is typical with any diet paradigm, there are those who love it, those who don’t, and tons of questions about it. This article seeks to answer some of the questions and lay out some of the potential benefits of this particular eating structure.
I haven’t talked about it in a hot second, but I am a huge fan of breath techniques for meditation, stress relief, and tuning in to your body. Breath techniques are as numerous as the people who practice them and sometimes clear instructions are tough to find. Enter the experts at Mind Body Green. They rounded up several simple and easy to learn techniques and included straightforward directions. The Square Breath technique is one of my absolute faves!
Sadia over at Pick Up Limes posted this gem a few weeks back. She is my soul sister on the nutrition end of the spectrum and always manages to eloquently say exactly what needs to be said.
The weather took F-O-R-E-V-E-R to turn around where I live this year. Spring had so many false starts. Add that to the fact that we were quarantined for so much of it and I am basically living outside right now.
As we were living in Germany this time last year, my family is especially enjoying those warm weather things that we had to leave in the States. Like our back deck. And the fire pit.
Our local drive in is open (social distancing is easier when you are watching from your car) and I have always loved watching movies this way. We are super excited to take our four year old for the first time.
After teaching out of our guest room this spring, my husband and I decided that we needed to re-think how we were using some of the space in our house. We swapped the guest bed for a futon since we hardly ever have overnight guests and we have a two station desk in the works, too. (Yep, I am usually writing, editing, and posting from the dining room table or our bedroom floor.) And our house is soooooo much more functional!
Until next time, be well friends!