Hello, hello, wellness family! It’s time again for me to share some of the things I have stumbled across on the interwebs or things I am enjoying in my everyday life. I usually try to keep things 50/50 on this list, but let’s be real. Most of us have been stuck at home for months, so this time around, there are more links.
We all know that we should be eating more of certain foods. And some foods have even acquired the superlative “super.” I came across this article that ranks some of those superfoods and even compares them in terms of exercise and performance. As usual, my stance is that food is food (as long as it’s real) but this certainly was thought-provoking.
Intermittent fasting brings up some unique exercise conundrums and this article does a pretty good job of shedding light on one of them: fasted cardio.
On the exercise end of the physical health spectrum, I’ve got a bunch. Every one of them discussing why strength training is important in some way or another. This article talks about how to craft a minimalist strength routine, something I support fully. And if you didn’t know that strength training is an important key to helping our bodies function well as we age, then these next two are must reads. This article suggests you may be able to live longer by strength training. And if that sounds good to you, then follow it up here and learn what exercise is the best for any age!
And now that you have exercised properly and eaten more healthfully, how about some much needed rest? We all need it for recovery and this article has some helpful suggestions for getting that shut eye.
It has been hot as Hades in my neck of the woods this summer, so we have been loving having the sprinkler out for the little guy.
To that end, we have also been making much use of our fire pit in the evenings. We have been grilling a bunch because who wants to heat up the house more and our natural inclination is to head over to the fire pit for some family convo and s’mores.
And I have been making sun tea like it’s going out of style. What’s that you ask? Well, you basically put cold water and some tea bags in a pitcher and then leave it out in the sun for a few hours. When you come back: tea. We have been really enjoying this made with fruit flavored teas.
Until next time, be well friends!