Happy Holidays Wellness Warriors! I’ve got another Links and Loves coming at you. Nothing is sponsored here, just me, so excited that I want to share.
2020 has definitely been a challenging year for most of us. And I am a firm believer in gratitude practices. So, if you have been struggling, take a few minutes to say some thank yous. And here’s a holiday five senses version in case you need some guidance.
While I haven’t been loving teaching remotely, I will say that I do love that not needing to commute has given me a good chunk of extra time in my day. I also really appreciate the effort my students made this semester to make it work.
I have especially been enjoying the change of seasons this year. Maybe it’s because I am not as on-the-go as usual. Maybe it’s because I have been outside a bit more. Either way, I loved the transition into fall. And for someone who dislikes winter, I have to say, I am really enjoying some hygge practices this year.
Drew over at Lone Fox posted this DIY cabinet awhile back and I have been absolutely drooling over it. I just need to convince my husband that we need this in our lives.
I have always been a huge fan of breakfast foods. Both oatmeal and eggs top my list of favorite foods. And not just at breakfast either. I love eggs for lunch or chicken and waffles for dinner. And science now has my back!
In the vein of deliciousness, Katie at Wellness Mama posted this version of Olive Garden’s Zuppa Toscana. I’ll admit that it’s been a really long time since I’ve actually had the original version (or even been in an Olive Garden), but this version with sweet potatoes speaks to my soul.
And I know you guys are probably sick to death of my Germany ramblings, but let me have just this last one. The Christmas markets were so much fun and our hands down absolute favorite treats were Zimtsterne. Cinnamon Star cookies. We loved them so much, that I am adding them to my usual repertoire of holiday baking this year.
I’ll be taking a bit of a break to decompress from 2020, reset for 2021, and enjoy the holiday season. I’ll see you back here in January!
time, be well friends!