Wellness Warriors, I am beyond excited for today’s post!!!! This is something that I have had on the back burner for longer than I care to admit, but I had to keep pushing due to circumstance (hello, dumpster fire that was 2020). And today, finally, I am so happy to introduce the Wellness Toolbox on MMW!
If you have been around my little corner of the web, you probably noticed the addition of a menu option at the top of the blog. Well, that little menu tab has, and will have, some great stuff under it!

The Wellness Toolbox is where you will find my best – free – resources! As time goes on and I add to it, it will contain all sorts of helpful goodies covering many Dimensions of Wellness. But right now you can find some great stuff to get your 2021 off to a strong start.
First and foremost, there is a goal setting worksheet. This is a free PDF download and you can use it for ANY wellness goal you happen to have. The sheet outlines how to hold yourself accountable using the SMART acronym. This will help ensure that your goals are well defined and easily tracked. This sheet will also lead you through the steps necessary to find your process and why. Because changing habits is the bread and butter of working on new goals.
The second thing you’ll find in the Wellness Toolbox are a slew of exercise info pages. I spent the last several months compiling all of the info for these. And while the standard stuff like how to actually perform a bench press is on the page, I also took some extra time to include safety and challenge alternatives for each exercise. As you work through goals, you need new ways to challenge your body, so these are included. And movement needs to be accessible. The majority of strength and yoga exercises can be modified pretty easily. So, if you need to start with the basics or you need to accommodate your body a bit more, I have modifications for you too!
I plan on adding some goodies to the Wellness Toolbox every single month this year and I’ll be sure to call it out with a dedicated post. But since I am just so darn jazzed to have this awesome resource up and running for you, here are some other handy resources.
My Outfitting a Home Gym Series. If you want to go bigger and badder, you might need to search a bit more for equipment right now, but as the Budget version shows, you don’t need as much as you might think.
Gear You Actually Need. Again, you don’t need as much as you think!
Overload and Recovery Series. A basic outline for how to periodically do a bit more with your workouts.
The Difference Between Body Fat and the BMI. Everybody should understand this basic concept.
Dieting vs Diet. The devil is in the details.
A really great article I found that bullets some of the biggest exercise mistakes.
And because there are some other really amazing people putting great (science backed) content out there, here are some of my favorites to follow.
On the Web
Fitness Blender. Pimping Kelli and Daniel and all their free workouts again.
Girls Gone Strong. A website dedicated to cheering women on their strength journey.
Breaking Muscle. Solid info about various different styles, types, and levels of exercise.
Aura Meditation. A huge selection of free 3 minute guided meditations. Also available via the free App.
On YouTube
Yoga with Adriene and Yoga with Kassandra. Both of these ladies make yoga approachable, with various length workouts from beginner to advanced.
Koboko Fitness. Workouts and solid fitness info from a Stanford grad.
Whitney Simmons. Straightforward but effective workouts. Delivered with optimism.
Gauge Girl Training. The chemistry of weight management broken down for all of the chemistry challenged (that’s me too, btw).
On Instagram
@the.intuitive.trainer Inspiration for movement at any level.
@pursuitofhappening Straight up solid, no nonsense wellness inspiration and info.
@chrisproctorwellness A no BS approach to exercise and fitness.