What’s up Wellness Warriors? It’s time for me to share some of my favorite and just-caught-my-eye things with you. These posts are not sponsored, just me being really excited to spread the nerd word!
Science has known for awhile that you don’t need much in the way of physical activity to boost your brain. And in case you aren’t convinced, here’s an article about using a quick jog to get the job done. And another on the benefits of walking. Yup, walking is actually all it’s cracked up to be.
During my time working as a personal trainer, I spend a lot of energy trying to convince people of the need to strength train for weight loss. It seems we are conditioned to believe that burning all the calories during the actual workout (which happens more with cardiovascular exercise) is better. Not true. Adding muscle allows your body to burn more calories over the whole day, every day. Which is a much bigger bang for your resistance tube.
If you are interested in a take on evolutionary kinesiology (there’s a tongue twister!), this is a pretty cool article about why we should look to our ancestor’s movement patterns when we think about our own exercise.
And moving towards other Dimensions of Wellness… You could probably guess that I’m a fan of routines. As a working parent, these things just keep me sane some days. I have a shopping/meal planning/prepping routine for the week. And I think bedtime routines are critical for signaling the body to rest. This article makes some arguments about morning routines and what you can include to get the most out of yours.
In other news, it is summer! I have been taking advantage of the warm temps and nice weather after being cooped up teaching from home.
I’ve been trying out some new marinades for grilled chicken. In addition to getting outside, grilling has the bonus factor of easy meal clean up built in. But grilled chicken can get same old same old pretty quick. Check out my Instagram for which recipes are winners!
And on a personal note, I am crazy looking forward to seeing my nieces and nephew this summer. My whole family (mine and my in-laws) are scattered over the state, which means we weren’t able to form a pandemic pod with anybody. But with all of the adults on the vaccine train, I can’t wait to see the kiddos.
Until next time, be well friends!