Hi Wellness Warriors! One of the most often cited reasons people give for not trying yoga is balance. A lot of my clients and students feel that they can’t, or shouldn’t, attempt yoga because their balance skills aren’t where they would like them to be. Well, no more! I’ve got a quick 10 minute standing practice that is super beginner friendly!
Truthfully, the balance concern has always been a bit of a head scratcher for me. I mean, you can’t expect to get better at a skill that you aren’t practicing. Then when you start talking about yoga, well, the whole point of yoga is practice over perfection. Way back when I made a point of calling myself out for my constant face-planting in Crow Pose.
But from a fear perspective, I understand. Nobody wants to fall down. Especially if it means wounded body parts, or worse, wounded pride. So this practice is one that is meant to allow you to work with your own body and sense of balance. By actively using your feet, you’ll engage many different balance centers at once. And each pose can be done modified as you need.
Each progression is done once for each side of the body. You’ll start with two legged postures and move to one foot. I try to give multiple modification cues for each pose and talk you through challenges.
Give this one a try, I’ll bet you surprise yourself! Until next time, be well, friends!
Pose List: Mountain, Chair, Tiptoe, Eagle, Tree, Warrior III, Dancer.