Happy Tuesday, Warriors! Increased flexibility is one of the most cited reasons people give for wanting some more yoga in their lives. What I hear most often from students is that the fear of being in a class and needing to already have the base flexibility to put a foot behind their head is off-putting, though. But, I got you, Warrior!
As a teacher, something I try to keep in mind is what it feels like to not know something. When I am in the classroom that means giving lots of clear examples and allowing ample time for questions and feedback. When I am in the studio or gym, that means providing easy to follow directions with modifications and following my client or student’s lead for progressing.
And flexibility can be tricky. Beyond just your base level, there are some days when you feel a bit more Gumby-like and others when you might feel like the slightest reach has something ripping apart. So I put together this simple seated yoga sequence that is modification friendly and can be completed in about 10 minutes.
The most important thing you should remember when completing a flexibility focused yoga practice is to not force your body. As I mentioned, that will be different day to day, but focus on what your body is able to do today. The second most important factor is using your breath. Always enter the stretching portion of the pose on an exhale. And you can use exhales during the hold phase to help your body ease into the asana more comfortably. As the breath leaves your body, focus on relaxing areas of tension and attempt to get deeper into the posture.
Poses Covered:
Warm Up: Hula
Simple Spine Twist, Easy Pose then One Knee Up
Pigeon, Forward Fold and Quad stretch options shown
Gate, closed then open
Let us know in the comments if you try it and until next time, be well friends!