Hi Warriors! A beach vacation is a much-anticipated summer activity for many of us. Time to relax, soak up some sun, listen to the water, not to mention mini golf! And something about being on the beach usually inspires us to be more active, too. Always a plus in my book. But if you like to strength train, that can be tough since your car is probably already bogged down with beach gear.
And no, I am not going to tell you to add some (beloved around here) resistance bands to your snorkel gear. What if I told you, you could use something you had already packed? Yup, your beach towel can make a great strength training tool! So I’ve got a full body beach towel workout. This is plenty challenging on its own, but if you want to get some extra oomph, take this one out in the sand.
What You’ll Need
A beach towel, any size large enough to roll into ropes.
Exercises Demonstrated
Lateral Lunges with Reach– quads, glutes, core
Traveling Push Ups – pecs, front deltoids, triceps, core
Slow Thruster (squat to overhead press) – quads, glutes, hamstrings, core, middle deltoids
Bicep Curls
Tricep Extensions
Russian Twists – core
Kayak Rows – lats, rear deltoids
Exercise Format
2-4 sets of 8-12 reps. 1 set of 10 is demonstrated in the video. These can be done as straight sets or circuits for a bit of extra cardio.
Let’s use our bodies for a great workout that just happens to be at the beach!