Hello Warriors! Core strength is crucial for day to day life. And especially as we go through the aging process. Today I have a yoga based workout that focuses on core strength!
I’ve blathered on before about the incidence of low back pain among Americans, so I won’t rehash all of that again. Suffice it to say that core strength is clutch in avoiding becoming one of those statistics. I am also convinced that core strength is also a key to aging gracefully. Most clients that I’ve worked with cite things like keeping up with their grandkids, traveling, engaging in hobbies, and spending meaningful time with loved ones as goals for their golden years. You need decent core strength to do those things.
Contrary to popular belief, the core musculature is not just the abdominal muscles. Core muscles refer to any muscles that affect how the spine moves. The abdominals absolutely fit that bill, but so do the pectorals, the hip flexors, the lats, rhomboids, traps, deltoids, and glutes. Basically, any muscle that allows your spine to flex, extend, bend, and/or twist.
One of the brilliant things, among so many, about yoga is that the asanas are naturally set up to allow the spine to move. Which means yoga has core strength build right into the postures. I’ve got a beginner friendly, core focused yoga workout that can be completed in about 10 minutes. So, go ahead and hit play!
Poses Demonstrated:
Seated Spine Twist
Chaturanga to Child’s Pose
Sunbird with Pulses
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