Hello, hello Warriors! I’m a huge proponent of using what you’ve got at home to aid in workouts. I mean, resistance bands hold a special place in my biceps for this reason. And with Halloween next week, something that I bet most of you have at home right now are pumpkins. So, before you carve them, let’s use them for a workout!
A pumpkin, or gourd, is the perfect substitute for dumbbells, kettlebells, or medicine balls. Two caveats, though. Don’t hold these by their stems. They tend to break. And don’t throw them like a medicine ball. Unless you are looking for a very messy way to get to the seeds. Although, if you do happen to need a way to use the seeds and are looking for a post workout protein boost, try these Pumpkin Spice Protein Balls.
All you’ll need for this workout is a pumpkin or two and an open space of floor. Try to make sure that your pumpkins are different weights and that you can hold them securely without using the stem end. The oblong ones may work better as you can turn them to different orientations to suit your grip and comfort.
You can run this full body workout as straight sets or a circuit. Do 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps.
Goblet Squats
Two Hand Overhead Press
Romanian Deadlifts
Left High to Right Low Chop
Right High to Left Low Chop
Chest Press
Russian Twists
Until next time, be well friends!
The pumpkin spice protein balls sound really yummy – perfect for fall!