Well, Warrior, January sure flew by quickly. Every once in awhile, I use this space to share things that I think are worth a mention and things that I have been enjoying. Nothing here is sponsored, usually just a random collection of things I’d like to point out.
Starting with this article. Long time readers will know my penchant for all things whole person wellness. I also like to say that nobody gets a prize for being the best looking corpse. We should be looking for those things that add quality to the years we do have.
When I was in grad school, my thesis project was meant to be a study about inflammatory markers in older women who had been physically active from a young age. There were many issues, including a small subject pool, but it looks like this group has solved that particular problem. And my hypothesis is vindicated.
I have yet to weigh in on Ozempic and the like. Mostly because opinions are like butts. Everybody has one and they usually smell. I have been asked, though. And since I am sure it will continue to happen, here is the short version: This is above my pay grade. These medications are exactly that, medications. Regardless of what they are being prescribed for, it needs to be prescribed by someone licensed to make the appropriate assessment. Anybody who is lacking a medical license that tells you otherwise is operating outside their scope of practice and that can be dangerous. Yes, even Oprah. If you are looking for a doctor’s thoughts, though, here’s a great article.
Shifting gears, I’d like to get serious. And a bit vulnerable. This blog originally started as a passion project. I was in a major transition. I was teaching but hadn’t been able to get the ball rolling personal training after a move. I was also in the clutches of postpartum depression, so I started the blog to help me stay connected and informed. I also wanted to give voice to some major issues I saw in my field. The glorification of size and weight as health markers, the lack of acknowledgement that wellness refers to a whole person, and the reliance on motivation and unsubstantiated methods were at the top of my list.
As of late, however, the blog hasn’t been feeding my Mental and Emotional Health in the same ways it has in the past. Filming and photography have been harder to fit in as my family’s schedule has gotten busier. And that’s to say nothing of the process that editing has become. I feel as though my writing has been more forced, too. In short, I find that I am needing to talk myself into doing the things that I used to find so much joy in.
To that end, I will be taking an extended break. When the idea first crossed my mind, my knee jerk reaction was heck no. But as I’ve had the opportunity to sit with it, this feels like the right move. For me and for the blog. I want to create value in this space for you and if I am struggling, then I am not able to do that. So I will be stepping away for a bit. But I’ve also got you, Warrior. The following is a non-comprehensive list of some of my favorite creators. Most of them you can find via Instagram, but if you aren’t on that platform, there are a bevy of blogs, YouTube channels, and podcasters in the bunch.
Jason and Lauren Pak are a husband and wife team that post all sorts of exercise and movement based content. Their upbeat attitudes and commitment to making movement accessible and do-able is infectious. You can find them on Instagram @jasonandlaurenpak or if podcasts are your style, @reasonablyfitpod.
Azul Cora is a wonderful creator who uses her unique perspective to help heal your relationship with food and fitness by focusing on self-worth. She fully practices what she preaches and loves to talk about mindset. Find her on Instagram @azulcorajoria or on her blog at azulcorawellness.com.
The lovely Chardet hosts the Feel Good Nakd podcast. She focuses on non-diet fitness, mental health, and self growth and covers so many amazing topics with great interviews. She also does so in manageable 15-20 minute chunks.
Colleen Christensen is the mastermind behind @no.food.rules on Instagram. She’s an Intuitive Eating Dietician and her Reels consistently break down how we got here and what we can do about it. You can also find her on YouTube.
And finally, Dr. Shannon Connolly is a strength and rehab coach. She utilizes her Physical Therapy training to boost health and mindset. She does it while keeping in mind the person behind the condition and with a good dose of humor, too. Find her on Instagram @livewellwithdrshannon or at her blog livewellwithdrshannon.com.
Thank you so very much for being here, Warrior, and thank you as well for understanding my need to take care of myself. Hopefully, I’ll see you soon and be well, friends!