Lat Pull Downs
Muscles Involved: main mover latissimus dorsi; agonists rhomboids, rear deltoids, biceps; antagonists pec major, front deltoid, triceps, trapezius; synergists abdominals and spine extensors
Directions: Adjust a standard lat pull down bar on a cable pulley so that you can reach it comfortably from a seated position. Sit on a bench facing the cable pulley stack. Grip the bar just past the bend with your palms facing out. Hinge very slightly backwards (only about 10 degrees), and contract your core to maintain a solid spine angle throughout the lift. Exhale, keep your elbows in line with your torso, and bend your elbows to bring the bar down to your collarbone. Inhale, and with control, raise the bar to start position. Do NOT pull the bar behind your head.

Types of equipment: a cable pulley and different shaped bars, theraband with door anchor
Contraindications: Shoulder injury or pain, low back pain.
Alternatives for safety: If you have shoulder pain during the lift, alter hand position. Hands can be placed closer or further apart, palms can be rotated to face lifter. The lifter can also use a different bar attachment to alleviate pain. Therabands can be used with a door anchor to aid in strength development.
Alternatives for challenge: Using a different bar attachment will recruit slightly different muscle fibers. Altering hand position will recruit slightly different muscle fibers. Altering tempo can be useful in progressing and training power or hypertrophy. Pull ups, either standard or gravity assisted (via a gravitron machine or bands) utilize same muscle input with need for greater body control.
Seated Rows
Muscles Involved: main movers latissimus dorsi and rhomboids; agonists rear deltoids, trapezius, biceps; antagonists pec major, front deltoids, triceps; synergists abdominal and spine extensors
Directions: Adjust a V bar on a seated row cable pulley station. Sit on the bench, placing feet on pads with knees slightly bend. Grasp the V bar with palms facing in and elbows extended. Hinge slightly backwards (only about 10 degrees) and contract your core to maintain spine position throughout the lift. Exhale, keeping your elbows in close to your body and your chest up, pull the bar in towards your chest squeezing your shoulder blades together. Inhale, and with control, return the bar to start position.

Types of Equipment: seated row cable pulley with various bar attachments, theraband
Contraindications: Shoulder injury or pain. Low back pain.
Alternatives for Safety: If you have shoulder pain during the lift, use a different bar attachment in order to vary hand position and placement. If you have low back pain during the lift, do not hinge back as far. Therabands can be wrapped around a sturdy object or the lifters feet to aid in strength development.
Alternatives for Challenge: The lifter can use a different bar attachment to vary hand position and placement. This will recruit slightly different muscle fibers. Altering tempo can be useful in progressing and training power or hypertrophy. Progressing to bent over rows, one arm rows, and deadlifts aids in strength and power development in addition to requiring more active control.
One Arm Rows
Muscles Involved: main movers latissimus dorsi and rhomboids; agonists rear deltoids and biceps; antagonists front deltoids and triceps; synergists back extensors
Directions: Bend left knee and place it on top of a chair height stable surface. Anchor left hand on surface in front of knee and maintain the right foot on the ground in line with the left knee. Grasp a dumbbell in the right hand and lower until back is parallel with the ground. Lift gaze to align spine and contract core. Keeping the right elbow in close to the body and palm facing body, exhale and pull the dumbbell up and in towards rib cage. Inhale and slowly lower to the start position. Repeat reps on left side.

Types of Equipment: dumbbell, theraband
Contraindications: Shoulder or low back pain or injury.
Alternatives for Safety: Use a theraband anchored under right foot if traditional weights are difficult to control or cause pain.Alternatives for Challenge: Progress to bent over rows.
Bent Over Rows
Muscles Involved: main movers rhomboids and lats, agonists rear deltoids and biceps, antagonists pec major, pec minor, front deltoids, and triceps; synergists abdominals and back extensors
Directions: With a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet hip width apart. Hinge forward at the hips, contracting the core muscles to stabilize the upper body. Allow arms to hang down with palms facing the body. Lift head to align spine. Exhale and draw dumbbells up and in towards bottom of sternum, squeezing shoulder blades together at the top. Inhale and slowly return to start position.

Types of Equipment: Dumbbells, kettlebells, V bar, Olympic bar, therabands (pictured).
Contraindications: Shoulder or low back pain or injury.
Alternatives for Safety: The lift can be performed with different grip positions to alleviate pain or discomfort in wrists or shoulders. The lift can be performed with therabands if traditional weights are too difficult to control.
Alternatives for Challenge: The lift can be performed with kettlebells or a lifting bar (V bar, straight bar). The lift can be performed with different grip positions in order to recruit slightly different muscle fibers.