Muscles Involved: main mover, rectus abdominus; agonists, internal and external obliques, transverse abdominus; antagonists, spine extensors; synergists, hip flexors
Directions: Lie on the ground, facing up with knees bent to 90 degrees and feet flat on the floor. Place hands either crossed over the chest or below the jaw with fingertips resting gently on the neck and thumbs just below the jaw. Contract the core and lift the shoulder blades off the ground while steadily exhaling. Inhale and slowly relax to start.

Types of Equipment: None necessary
Contraindications: Low back pain or injury, sciatica, abdominal pain or injury, pregnancy.
Alternatives for Safety: Can place a rolled towel under neck or lower back for comfort. Can perform standing abdominal exericses.
Alternatives for Challenge: Numerous.
Muscles Involved: main “mover,” transverse abdominus; agonists, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominus; antagonists, spine extensors; synergists, pec major, rhomboids, trapezius, deltoids, quads
Directions: Begin by lying facing the ground with hands under shoulders and toes pointed in to floor. Exhale and press up to the top of a push up, forming an unbroken line with the spine. Hold the position for as long as possible, while contracting the core. Inhale and return to the floor.

Types of Equipment: None necessary.
Contraindications: Back pain or injury, shoulder pain or injury, wrist pain or injury, pregnancy.
Alternatives for Safety: Can rest on forearms to alleviate pain in shoulders or wrists. Can place a towel under wrists/forearms for cushion. Can use push up bars or the like to alleviate wrist tension. Can balance on knees to reduce amount of resistance.
Alternatives for Challenge: Numerous.
Low Back
Back Extensions
Muscles Involved: main movers, spine extensors including multifidus and erector spinae; agonists, internal and external obliques, latissimus dorsi; antagonists, rectus abdominus, pec major; synergist transverse abdominus
Directions: Lay prone on stomach on the floor with tops of feet down and hands stretched overhead. Exhale, contract the lower back and arch up bringing feet and hands up off the floor. Inhale and return to start.

Types of Equipment: None necessary.
Contraindications: Back pain or injury, pregnancy.
Alternatives for Safety: Maintain hands at sides and slide down thighs during arch up. Sunbird exercise.
Alternatives for Challenge: Can hold arched up position for time. Can use a back extension bench and add weight.
Muscles Involved: main movers, spine extensors including multifidus and erector spinae; agonists, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, glutes, hamstrings; antagonists, rectus abdominus, internal and external obliques, pec major, quadriceps; synergist, transverse abdominus
Directions: Bring body to hands and knees on floor, with back relaxed but parallel ground. Contracting abdominal muscles, extend right hand and left leg out. Exhale, and press arm and leg up to create a slight arch in back. Inhale and return to start. Repeat with left hand and right leg.

Types of Equipment: None necessary.
Contraindications: Back pain or injury. Knee, hip, or shoulder pain.
Alternatives for Safety: Can complete the exercise with only upper or lower body component.
Alternatives for Challenge: Progress to Supermans and standard back extensions.