Muscles Involved Down Phase: main mover, quadriceps; agonist, calves; antagonists, hamstrings and glutes; synergists, back extensors, abdominals
Muscles Involved Up Phase: main mover, glutes; agonist, calves; antagonists, quadriceps, synergists, back extensors, abdominals
Directions: Begin with feet hip width apart. Toes pointing forward or very slightly (5 degrees or less) outwards. Contract core and shift body so weight is carried in the heels of feet. Inhale and bend hips and knees to “sit” backwards. Bum should be out and chest up to maintain a straight spine. Maintain weight in heels and double check by wiggling toes. Exhale and stand back up to start position driving hips forward slightly at the top.

Types of Equipment: None necessary for body weight level. Can add dumbbells, kettlebells, or other weights via a Smith machine or squat rack for challenge.
Contraindications: Low back, hip, or knee pain and/or injury. Balance issues.
Alternatives for Safety: Body weight only squats are fairly safe for most and the best way to learn proper form. Other safety measures can include using a chair or surface to lower onto, wall squats with a physioball, or wall sits. Additionally, leg press exercises done with a selectorized machine or plate loaded sled can provide good weighted alternatives. Smaller ranges of motion are also appropriate.
Alternatives for Challenge: Add weight via carried dumbbells or kettlebells. Weight can be held down at the sides or at the chest. Adding weight via a Smith machine can teach proper mechanics for front and back bar squats with added safety features. Add weight via an Olympic bar.
Muscles Involved Down Phase: main movers, glutes; agonists, hamstrings and calves; antagonists, quadriceps; synergists, back extensors and abdominals
Muscles Involved Up Phase: main movers, quadriceps; agonists, hamstrings and calves; antagonists, glutes; synergists, back extensors and abdominals
Directions: Begin with feet hip width apart, core contracted, and arms comfortably at sides or crossed in front of chest. Inhale and take a large step out with the right foot, making sure to land on the heel, simultaneously bend the right knee and hip to 90 degrees. Exhale and push off the right foot and return to start. Repeat on left side.

Types of Equipment: None necessary for body weight level. Can add dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight via a straight bar for additional challenge.
Alternatives for Safety: Can take a smaller range of motion.Can complete standing split squats. Start with a staggered stance, right foot in front. Exhale and lower body bending front knee and hip to 90 degrees. Exhale and return to start. Repeat reps with left foot front.
Alternatives for Challenge: Add weight via carried dumbbells or kettlebells. Weight can be held down at the sides or at the chest. Add weight via an Olympic bar.
Romanian Dead Lifts
Muscles Involved: main mover, glutes; agonist, hamstrings; antagonist, quadriceps; synergists, calves, abdominals, back extensors
Directions: Begin with feet shoulder to hip width apart and toes facing forward. Contract core. Inhale and hinge forward at the hips reaching towards toes and keeping knees straight but not locked. At full fold, exhale and maintaining spine alignment, quickly return to start position driving hips forward slightly at top.

Types of Equipment: None necessary for body weight level. Can add weight via dumbbells, kettlebells, weight plates, or bars. Therabands.
Contraindications: Hip pain or injury. Low blood pressure or history of fainting.
Alternatives for Safety: Russian dead lifts. Can perform the exercise with a smaller range of motion, especially in the case of hip injury or fainting.
Alternatives for Challenge: Can add weight, beginning with more easily controlled types (i.e. dumbbells). Weight should be held in front of the body and either remain stationary at the chest or travel with the hands down the legs. Can perform this exercise unilaterally (one sided) by taking a half step back with one leg and maintaining a bend in that knee.
Russian Dead Lifts
Muscles Involved: main mover, hamstrings; agonist, glutes and calves; antagonists, quadriceps; synergists, back extensors and abdominals
Directions: Begin with feet shoulder to hip width apart. Contract core and let right foot relax behind body. Inhale, maintain both legs straight, and balance on left side, while hinging forward at the hips until the torso and extended right leg are parallel with the ground. Exhale and return to start. Repeat on left side.

Types of Equipment: None necessary for body weight level. Can add dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight plates for challenge.
Contraindications: Hip, knee, or low back pain and/or injury. Low blood pressure, history of fainting, extreme balance difficulties.
Alternatives for Safety: Can perform exercise with a smaller range of motion, especially in cases of fainting or balance struggles. Can hold on to the back of a chair.
Alternatives for Challenge: Can add weight via dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight plates. These should be carried in front of the body and either held close to the chest or aimed towards the floor. Can progress to Romanian Dead Lifts.
Bulgarian Split Squats
Muscles Involved: due to foot placement and the interplay of the downwards and upwards phase of this motion, all lower body muscles are involved to some extent during this exercise with back extensors and abdominals serving as synergist muscles
Directions: Begin with feet shoulder width apart with a bench or chair height sturdy object behind the body about 2 feet or so. Pick up right foot and while maintaining a forward facing position, place right foot on the bench. The right leg should be fairly straight. Inhale and balancing on the left leg, bend the hip and knee to 90 degrees. Exhale and return to stand. Repeat on right side.

Types of Equipment: Only a bench or other sturdy object necessary for body weight level. Can add weight via dumbbells, kettlebells, or plates.
Contraindications: Hip, knee, or back pain and/or injury. Balance issues.
Alternatives for Safety: Can perform this exercise with a shorter prop object. Can perform this exercise with a smaller range of motion. Can perform split squats.
Alternatives for Challenge: Add range of motion if possible, reaching front knee closer to ground. Can add weight.
Reverse Lunges
Muscles Involved Down Phase: main mover, hamstrings; agonists, glutes and calves; antagonists, quadriceps; synergists, back extensors and abdominals
Muscles Involved Up Phase: main mover, quadriceps; agonists, glutes and calves; antagonists, hamstrings; synergists, back extensors and abdominals
Directions: Begin with feet hip width apart, core contracted, and arms comfortably at sides or crossed in front of chest. Inhale and take a large step behind with the right foot, making sure to land on the toe, simultaneously bend the right knee to 90 degrees and keeping the right hip straight. Exhale and push off the right foot and return to start. Repeat on left side.

Types of Equipment: None necessary for body weight level. Can add dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight via a straight bar for additional challenge.
Alternatives for Safety: Can take a smaller range of motion. Can complete standing split squats. Start with a staggered stance, right foot in front. Exhale and lower body bending front knee and hip to 90 degrees. Exhale and return to start. Repeat reps with left foot front.
Alternatives for Challenge: Add weight via carried dumbbells or kettlebells. Weight can be held down at the sides or at the chest. Add weight via an Olympic bar.
Calf Raises
Muscles Involved: main mover, gastrocnemius; agonist, soleus; antagonists, anterior tibialis; synergists, quads, hamstrings, glutes, back extensors, and abdominals
Directions: Stand with feet shoulder to hip width apart with toes pointing forward. Contract core and maintain stillness in most of body. Exhale and press up onto toes, holding at the top for a second. Inhale and lower back to start.

Types of Equipment: None necessary for body weight level. Can add weight via dumbbells, kettlebells, or plates.
Contraindications: Ankle pain or injury. Injury to the Achilles tendon. Balance issues.
Alternatives for Safety: Can perform the exercise while holding on to a support (i.e. the back of a chair or wall). Can perform the exercise seated.
Alternatives for Challenge: Can add weight. Can perform unilaterally (one sided). Can utilize a step or riser under toes which allows heels to drop further and a more complete contraction in the working muscles.