Overhead or Military Press
Muscles Involved: main mover middle deltoid; agonists front and rear deltoids, triceps; antagonists pec major, rhomboids, biceps; synergists abdominals, low back extensors
Directions: Begin with a dumbbell in each hand, standing feet hip width apart. Stabilize lower body. Contract core to maintain spine alignment and bring hands up to ears with palms facing out and the upper arms creating a T shape with the torso. Exhale and press hands up over head, bringing dumbbells slightly together at the top (do not crash together). Inhale and slowly lower to start position.

Types of Equipment: dumbbells, kettlebells, V bar, Olympic bar, therabands
Contraindications: Shoulder pain or injury. Pain in neck with arms over head.
Alternatives for Safety: Can sit down to help stabilize lower body and/or align spine. Can use a theraband if traditional weights cause pain or stress in neck or shoulder area. Can press with one hand at a time to keep length in spine if have pain in neck or shoulder. Can press slightly in front (weights meet over nose instead of crown of head) if pain in neck or shoulder.
Alternatives for Challenge: Can progress to using kettlebells. Can use V bar or straight bar.
Upright Rows
Muscles Involved: main mover middle deltoid; agonists front deltoid, pec major, biceps; antagonists rear deltoid, rhomboids, biceps; synergists abdominals and low back extensors
Directions: Stand with feet hip width apart, knees relaxed, and core contracted. Gripping a dumbbell in each hand, rotate hands so palms face the body and bring dumbbells together in front of body. Exhale, and keeping the dumbbells as close to the body as possible, bend the elbows out and bring dumbbells up and under chin. Inhale and slowly return to start.

Types of Equipment: dumbbells, kettlebells, V bar, straight bar, Smith machine, therabands
Contraindications: Shoulder or neck pain or injury.
Alternatives for Safety: Can use a theraband if traditional weights cause pain in shoulder or neck area. Can perform front dumbbell raises.
Alternatives for Challenge: Can progress to kettlebells. Can progress to using a Smith machine, V bar, or standard straight bar for additional challenge.
Front Raises
Muscles Involved: main mover, front deltoids; agonists, middle deltoid, pec major; antagonists, rear deltoid, trapezius; synergists, biceps, triceps
Directions: Stand with feet hip width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing the front of thighs. Exhale, and with straight arms, raise the dumbbells to shoulder height. Inhale and slowly lower to start.

Types of Equipment: dumbbells, kettlebells, V bar, straight bar, therabands
Contraindications: Shoulder and/or neck pain or injury.
Alternatives for Safety: Can use a theraband if traditional weights cause pain. Can perform the exercise unilaterally (one sided) to reduce tension in neck and shoulders. Can perform the exercise with palms facing the body to reduce pain in the wrists or elbows. Can perform the exercise seated.
Alternatives for Challenge: Can progress to kettlebells. Can progress to using a V bar or straight bar for additional challenge.
Lateral Raises
Muscles Involved: main mover, middle deltoids;agonists, front and rear deltoids; antagonist, trapezius; synergists, biceps and triceps
Directions: Stand with feet hip width apart, a dumbbell in each hand with palms facing the body. Exhale and bring arms open to the sides lifting the dumbbells to shoulder height. Maintain a very slight bend in the elbows. Inhale and slowly return to start.

Types of Equipment: dumbbells, kettlebells, therabands
Contraindications: Shoulder and/or neck pain or injury.
Alternatives for Safety: Can use therabands if traditional weights cause pain. Can perform the lift unilaterally (one sided). Can perform the exercise seated.
Alternatives for Challenge: Can progress to kettlebells.