Well Warriors, the holiday travel season is upon us. And I know that after last year, many of us are looking forward to seeing family and friends. Whether you are driving or flying, whether you are taking a long weekend or an extended stay, it is important to keep consistent with your workouts.
Consistency is a theme I beat like a drum around here. And it is especially important during the holiday season. But not necessarily for the reasons you are probably thinking.
See, in my mind, the holidays (especially this year) are about the Mental, Emotional, and Social Health benefits. Regardless of your individual background, this time of year is a time that most of us try to celebrate and connect with others. From a Dimensions of Wellness perspective, if there is one thing this last (almost) two years (!!!) has taught us, it’s that we need connection.
So what does consistent movement and exercise have to do with creating connection and having a good time over the holidays? A lot, it turns out.
Obviously, from a Physical Health standpoint, regular movement has tons of benefits (i.e. regulating appetite and hydration) that you can read about anywhere. But regular movement also helps adjust sleep. Sleep is critically important for all function and something most of us are not getting enough of under normal circumstances. Throw in the hulabaloo of celebration season coupled with traveling (time zone changes and sleeping in an unfamiliar bed) and you have a perfect storm for major sleep deprivation. Staying consistent with some kind of movement or exercise will help your body fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
Sleep spills over into Mental and Emotional Health, too. I mean, all those neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate our mood and energy are manufactured and replenished during sleep. But, again, regular physical activity also helps here. Gotta love those exercise endorphins! Exercise releases dopamine and other feel good chemicals in the brain, which can help manage the mental and emotional stress of the season.
Movement can also benefit Social Health. For many of us who live far from family or friends, there is something so centering about taking a walk to reconnect and chat. Depending on where you live, and weather permitting, there are a plethora of outdoor movement-based group activities in which you can engage. And many of these make for the best memories!
So, how do you take advantage of all that movement has to offer during this crazy time of year? First, plan it out. Whether you prefer to plan the season as a whole or on a more week to week micro level, doesn’t matter. Sit down and hash out times for activity. If you will be traveling, plan for that. Preload music on your phone and bring headphones. Bring some small, easy to pack equipment so you aren’t stranded. Resistance bands and a foldable yoga mat can do a lot.
Second, be flexible. This applies in several ways. Prepare for plans to change. So perhaps plan for an extra “slush” workout in case you need to cancel one. Or set aside different times on different days to account for all the moving pieces this time of year. Change up what your idea of being active is. If you are usually in the gym hitting the weights, realize it is okay, and maybe more valuable, to switch out one of those sessions per week for some stress busting yoga or a walk. And vice versa, if you prefer to be outside and the weather has chased you in, get creative with a mini home gym set up (check out my budget picks here).
Third, get connected. This season is about spending time with loved ones, so why not make being active a ritual? Schedule a ski or golf trip with friends if time and financial budgets allow. If you will be where it is warmer, how about a bike ride or walk through town to see the holiday lights? And who is to say that snow is necessary for Frosty? Go modern with a sand Olaf! If you have that cold weather happening, go ice skating or have a snowball fight. Start (or bring back) a pre-dinner flag football friendly or sign up for a Turkey Trot in your area.
Long story short, movement and exercise are great ways to manage many Dimensions of Wellness through the holidays. And they are also amazing ways to make some amazing memories. Tell us in the comments, what is your favorite movement-based holiday tradition? Mine is a post dinner passegiatta!