Hey Hey Warriors! When most of my clients hear the term flexibility they focus on what they aren’t able to or can’t do. Or maybe long stretches and the boring part of the workout. Flexibility, in reality, is much like any other area of our fitness. You need to actively work on it to see improvements. Which means doing something you don’t hate consistently. And I can help with that!
The Warrior Series in essence is a pretty basic set of asanas. But they offer a ton of options for hip, low back, and shoulder flexibility. Deepening the stance by placing your feet wider at the start allows for gentle work on the hips. Changing the upper body position, either by extending the arms further or by creating more compact shapes targets different parts of the shoulder. And the slightly different angles of the torso in the different warriors strengthens and stabilizes the core.
All of these changes are positive for flexibility, of course. But it also brings benefits to mobility. When our bodies are more mobile, movement throughout the day becomes more enjoyable. Movement is easier to initiate, active control is more readily maintained, and it is something we want to do more. This creates a positive feedback loop with regards to movement, increasing the odds we will keep at it.
In this workout, we’ll run through the Warrior Series poses first with the base posture, then by adding a tweak or two. As always, you know your body best, so you are always free to remain in the base posture or to use any modifications your body might ask for. If needed, you can use a chair or a wall to support your body as well.
Pose Sequence
Warrior II
Warrior II with wider base, arms behind chest stretch
Warrior I
Warrior I with Eagle arms
Reverse Warrior
Reverse Warrior with low arm around torso
Warrior III (prayer)
Warrior III with extended arms
Humble Warrior