Hello Warriors, we’ve come upon the holiday season. That usually means a packed calendar, lots of yummy goodies, and a spot of travel. All things that combine to create a bunch of constraints on keeping up with a workout routine. Today I’ve got a full body strength workout that can be done quickly and just about anywhere.
I don’t know about you, but something that I find tough about workouts this time of year actually has to do with the time of year. The holidays create a challenge for sure, but so does the fact that it is getting cold. And dark. Definitely a situation where I’d prefer to stay huddled under my blanket on the couch.
Throw in the aforementioned calendar chaos, heavier foods, and travel disruptions and it can be tough to find the motivation. That’s truthfully the goal with this one. It’s not meant to light your glutes on fire or get you full body sweating. It is meant to get all the joints and large muscles moving. Sometimes moving in any capacity is more important.
Gentle exercise will help boost your mood (especially key when there is less sunlight to see). Gentle exercise will loosen up stiff joints and give your muscles a light challenge that should feel refreshing. It should also lend a sense of accomplishment. After all, being able to check off a workout this time of year is absolutely that.
This workout is a mix of a bit of everything. A smattering of strength, a pinch of Pilates, and an iota of yoga. But, again, that’s the point here. You don’t need any equipment except your own body. As always, take things at your own pace and slow down or stop if anything feels painful.
Exercises Demonstrated
Warm up – Moon Breath, Butterfly Breath, Side to Side Lunge w/ Crossbody Reach
Air Squats with Heel Taps
Bow and Arrows
Lateral Lunges
Reverse Warrior to Side Angle
Thread the Needle
Push Ups
Low Plank