Well, Fitness Friends, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a Links and Loves post. An entire year, in fact. After I took some time off last year and came back at a reduced capacity, I didn’t think it was fair to you to throw these at you. But after a year, there are some things I want to share. As is usual, there is nothing sponsored in these posts.
This one can be filed under the No Duh Category if you happen to be female or a member of the LBGTQIA+ or BIPOC communities. Gym culture can be tricky and there are some absolute jerks out there. But I think those tend to come as a package with certain gyms. There are also some amazing people who just want to see you succeed at whatever you’d like to succeed at. My best advice? If you are looking to join a gym, ask for a week trial and use it. Suss out everything; equipment, staff, other members, and if anything gives weird vibes get out and keep looking.
There are so many of us fighting the stigma years of over-reliance on the BMI gave us. And the scientific evidence that fitness matters more than simple body weight for healthy aging keeps mounting. What our heart and lungs can withstand, how much we can lift, and the range of motion our joints can tolerate say so much more about our overall health and potential quality of life than a number on a scale.
Those of you who started the new year with a fitness goal may be hitting a plateau. First off, if you are still here through the fitness cliff, congratulations! You are amazing! And to keep you going, here is a handy five step guide to busting that plateau and moving on to bigger and even better things.
And if you did start the new year with a goal and maybe haven’t been working as strong or consistently as you’d like, no shame. Sometimes we learn more from mess ups than from success. I’d also encourage you to incorporate some fun into your plans. Sure, exercise isn’t always the thing we look forward to, but it doesn’t have to be the punishment we were taught. Enjoyment can make a huge difference in your ability to stick with it.
As I mentioned in my last post, I have been using Sun Salutations as my mobility work prior to strength training and I am really enjoying the results. My hips and shoulders are looser and stronger.
I mentioned awhile back that I started training in person again. I am absolutely loving that, but I am also enjoying teaching spin classes again. It’s been both a way to get a cardio boost during a freezing cold winter and a way to push myself.
I am super late to the party, but I have been making burger bowls for lunch. They are an easy meal prep and something about them just hits. Maybe it’s the idea of burgers during such a cold winter, but they have been on repeat for me lately.
This month I am also celebrating the 7 year anniversary of this space. Especially after a rocky stretch last year and a revamp, I am pumped to still be here helping provide science backed fitness and exercise info. And I’m so thankful for you, Fitness Friend!
Until next time!