Modifying Eagle Pose
I think it’s time to get back to business. I know many of us have kicked our yoga practices up a notch or started ones as an outlet during the last month or so. And as such, it’s always great to remember that most...
I think it’s time to get back to business. I know many of us have kicked our yoga practices up a notch or started ones as an outlet during the last month or so. And as such, it’s always great to remember that most...
It has been a bit since I’ve posted one of my asana modifications. And I am coming at you with a two-fer. I say that because, although the standard postures are slightly different, these two asanas are both back bends and can be modified...
Communicating modifications for yoga postures is tough. Many instructors use vague language. After all, yoga is about connecting with your own body. Looking up poses online can be a downward spiral enough to put you off downward dog forever. In fact, I started this...
We are going to get all sorts of bendy today! Much like Half Moon, Camel doesn’t look too terrible. Until you are down on the mat. Our spines are meant to bend and twist in many different ways, and in fact the mark of...
Awhile back, I posted an article about sensing stability in yoga poses. As a teacher, I find the concepts of dimensionality, base of support, and sensory input to be valuable as general guidelines for all asanas. However, students often still have questions about individual...
Welcome to the third of my three part series on outfitting a home gym with different budget parameters in mind. We’ve covered how to really trick out a space and how to hit that mid-range sweet spot with a home gym. Today, let’s tackle...
May is Mental Health Month, and as such all month long here at MMW, we’ll be talking about the mental aspects of wellness. In my last post about using our breath as part of a self care routine, I covered how to observe breath....
Self care. This phrase is getting a lot of play lately, and for good reason. It is good to be reminded that we need to take care of our needs, too. Many different things can fall under the description of self care. And that...
It’s been a minute since I’ve talked about yoga around here, so today, let’s talk stability. One of the biggest fears newbie yogis tend to have relates to balance and stability. Nobody wants to stumble or fall during asana practice. In reality, that’s part...