Creating New Habits
How many of you would be jazzed if I asked how your New Year’s diet and exercise goals were coming along at this point? How many of you would want to punch your computer? We hear the phrase, “new year, new beginning,” all the...
How many of you would be jazzed if I asked how your New Year’s diet and exercise goals were coming along at this point? How many of you would want to punch your computer? We hear the phrase, “new year, new beginning,” all the...
Here we are a bit more than a week removed from the new year and the holiday season. Hopefully routines are returning to normal, or new normal as the case may be with workouts and eating habits. Sometimes the sluggishness that we acquire with...
Happy New Year! If you are new to this little corner of the interwebs, welcome! If you are old hat, welcome back. I hope everybody had a safe and festive holiday season. And since it’s the New Year and I know you have resolutions,...
Last week I mentioned that the folks at Fitness Blender had posted a motivational quote on their Instagram, “Fitness looks different on every body,” and talked about the body image and positivity undercurrents that it had for me. There were a few other significant...
I practice yoga, or I at least try to, regularly. I am a big believer in the Eight Limbs and I have seen how thoughtful practice of each has positively affected my life. As with all yoga practice, there are aspects of it that...
It should come as no surprise that one of the questions I field most has to do with how much exercise one should be getting. Truth be told, it’s actually a fairly complicated question to answer. It involves figuring out what the individual’s goal...
Yoga as a Western practice and yoga as a traditional practice are typically quite different. The majority of people walking into a Western yoga class are looking for the asanas to help with their flexibility, strength, or in some cases rehabilitation. And while there...
As anyone who has been around here will tell you, I like to take a whole life/whole person approach to exercise. While this approach allows for a lot of flexibility, it also breeds a heck of a lot of confusion. I use what I...
I gotta be real, I am actually a little surprised to need to be talking about why strength training is awesome, for everyone, in 2018. Seriously. When I started working as a personal trainer (possibly before some of you were born), this was a...