HIIT It and Quit It Workout
Hi Warriors! I’ve got a workout for you this week. In case you are looking to switch it up, or you need a I’ve got the mid-winter-dreary blues, I’ve got you covered.
Hi Warriors! I’ve got a workout for you this week. In case you are looking to switch it up, or you need a I’ve got the mid-winter-dreary blues, I’ve got you covered.
Happy New Year, Warriors! If you are new around these parts, welcome, click around, learn about who I am, and check out some of the great resources I have. If you are a returning reader, thanks for joining me again in 2023 and you...
Happy December Warriors! I know most of us are in full end-of-the-year chaos mode. Holiday shopping, parties, juggling kid care and schedule interruptions. That doesn’t usually result in us making the choices we’d like. But since it won’t be long until New Year’s resolutions...
Hi Warrior, hope you are well! We are at the point in the year when holidays and travel abound. Whether you are headed out by car, bus, train, boat, or plane, travel usually means long days, cramped seats, and tension. I’ve got a quick...
What’s up Warriors? As an exercise physiologist and personal trainer I am constantly fielding questions about how much. Clients and students want to know the benchmarks that will make their program successful. But in focusing on how much, the critically important idea of quality...
Hello Warriors! Leg day typically involves a lot of squats and lunges. And don’t misunderstand me, those are important exercises. Squats might be one of the most beneficial things we can do both for developing lower body strength but also to ensure graceful aging....
Howdy Warriors! I’m very excited to share this week’s post with you. Having some tried and true home workouts in your rotation is so helpful to maintaining consistency. And even when you have a gym membership, sometimes you just can’t get there. Especially when...
Hi Warriors! Hope you are well and you are enjoying all the fall feels where you are. It has been a minute since we tackled some yoga variations around here. So, let’s remedy that today and chat a bit about Pigeon Pose.
Hello my Warriors! If you have been around my little corner of the web at all, it probably isn’t a surprise that I have a soft spot for home workouts. I have spent much of the last three and a half years out of...