Warriors, how many of you are confused by mobility work? This seems to be a bit of a hot topic in fitness lately. Mobility is important, but as most things fitness can get overly complicated really quickly. So, let’s chat about it today!
Hi Warriors, it’s time for the second installment of my Value Add Series. You can check out the intro here and last month’s post here. I’m tackling how exercise and movement add to areas of our lives besides just our Physical Health. As Mental Health is coming to the forefront, we are starting to see
Hi Warriors! Being a yoga instructor has a lot of challenges, but being able to accommodate your student’s needs should not be one of them. Unfortunately, we get one body to live our lives in and if we don’t have the lived experience of different bodies sometimes it can be difficult to assume what someone
Hello friends! Back in January I introduced this year’s series on the ways that movement and exercise can add value to many areas of our lives. I’ve mentioned that I didn’t intend to take a four month break, so while it is strange to have the first post in this series happen in July, here
While I have been quieter here on the blog and on my social media channels the last few months, it has been one sided. I’ve been doing “research” for some upcoming things. And I’ve noticed something. Something that I want to bring to your attention and call out.
Hello Warriors! I know some of you may have missed or skipped my previous post, so I just want to shout out that new posts will still happen Tuesdays but on an every other week basis for the remainder of 2024. This week’s post sort of dovetails with the themes of overwhelm and time pressure
Well, hello old friends! It has been awhile and I’m sure you have been wondering where I’ve been. Today I want to catch you up on what’s been going on and hopefully where this space is heading.
Well, Warrior, January sure flew by quickly. Every once in awhile, I use this space to share things that I think are worth a mention and things that I have been enjoying. Nothing here is sponsored, usually just a random collection of things I’d like to point out.
Hello Warriors! Exercise, especially this time of year, tends to focus on subtraction. Usually with relation to numbers on the scale. But I think as a whole, most view exercise through the lens of punishment. The body doesn’t look a certain way, so we choose to punish it with extra squats. We ate something that
Hello Warriors! Do you often wonder if the program your friend is on is beneficial? Or maybe if the supplement you keep seeing advertised is worth your money? Most clients and students I’ve worked with over the years ask about these things at least once or twice. It seems, especially with the rise of social