What’s up Wellness Warriors? I’ve got another round up of awesome for you today. As usual, there isn’t anything sponsored here, just some things that have caught my eye over the past few months or that I am otherwise enjoying.
What’s up Wellness Warriors? I am back to chat some more about sneakers and how to find the right pair. I have previously covered how to determine the right shoes for your feet/arches. Today, I want to tackle the another important question to answer when searching out the proper footwear: what sneakers do you need
Hello friends! Today I am bringing you Part 2 in the Intuitive Exercise Series. (You can read the intro here and part one here.) The second principle of Intuitive Eating is to Honor Your Hunger, and the exercise analogous is to Honor Your Body. So, let’s chat a bit about how we can use movement
Hey friends! It’s been a bit since I posted an actual recipe. One you can actually make and enjoy. In fact, I actually went back and looked. The last recipe I posted was in 2019. I attribute that to the stress of 2020 and the fact that most of my nutrition content last year focused
Hello Wellness Warriors! I am coming at you guys today with another in my Yoga Modification Series. I try to tackle some of the more common, yet still challenging, yoga asanas and offer some hacks for making them more accessible. Today, let’s break down Side Angle.
Today let’s talk sneakers! I think there are so many questions about sneakers because they are truly the only piece of exercise equipment you need to invest in. And to be fair, you can find decent sneakers at most price points. But the investment isn’t just in terms of actual cost. There is also a
Hello friends! Last month I mentioned that I wanted to tackle how we talk to ourselves about exercise over the course of this year. I am going to use the ten tenets of Intuitive Eating as the blueprint as I think they can be pretty easily applied, via slight modifications, to exercise and movement. So, today,
Hello friends! I had a lot to say about exercise, movement, and mental status to start the year off, but I’m checking in with the first nutrition based post of the year today. Whoop, whoop! Dietary intake seems to undergo a huge shift from late December to early February. And now that many of us
What’s up Wellness Warriors? Today let’s talk about dat booty. Squats are one of the most effective strength exercises you can do. Regardless of your overall goals, squats should be an important part of your lower body strength training routine. Squats are also one of the most mis-performed exercises.
Wellness Warriors, I am beyond excited for today’s post!!!! This is something that I have had on the back burner for longer than I care to admit, but I had to keep pushing due to circumstance (hello, dumpster fire that was 2020). And today, finally, I am so happy to introduce the Wellness Toolbox on