Well, hello old friends! It has been awhile and I’m sure you have been wondering where I’ve been. Today I want to catch you up on what’s been going on and hopefully where this space is heading.
Well, Warrior, January sure flew by quickly. Every once in awhile, I use this space to share things that I think are worth a mention and things that I have been enjoying. Nothing here is sponsored, usually just a random collection of things I’d like to point out.
Hello Warriors! Exercise, especially this time of year, tends to focus on subtraction. Usually with relation to numbers on the scale. But I think as a whole, most view exercise through the lens of punishment. The body doesn’t look a certain way, so we choose to punish it with extra squats. We ate something that
Hello Warriors! Do you often wonder if the program your friend is on is beneficial? Or maybe if the supplement you keep seeing advertised is worth your money? Most clients and students I’ve worked with over the years ask about these things at least once or twice. It seems, especially with the rise of social
Happy Tuesday, Warriors! With January officially in full swing, I want to address the idea of strength. You’ll notice it’s in quotes in the title of this post. The word strength has many connotations, and especially as it relates to wellness, I want to spend a bit of time with it.
Happy New Year! It’s 2024 and if you have found this blog for the first time, welcome! If you are returning, welcome back! Today is the second day of the year, which means resolutions abound. In particular vows to overhaul diet and exercise practices. While there is nothing wrong with these goals, I want to
Happy Holidays Warrior! I’m not sure if it’s having a kiddo or the fact that our entire family schedule revolves around school, but December just seems to fly. Between the usual holiday prep and my husband and I wrapping up a semester, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years are some of craziest of the
Howdy, Warrior! We are heavy into the holiday shopping bonanza. Hanukkah begins on Friday and Christmas and Kwanzaa won’t be too far off. So, I’ve got something new for you, a Gift Guide!
Hello Warriors, we’ve come upon the holiday season. That usually means a packed calendar, lots of yummy goodies, and a spot of travel. All things that combine to create a bunch of constraints on keeping up with a workout routine. Today I’ve got a full body strength workout that can be done quickly and just
It’s Thanksgiving week here in the US. While the holiday should stand for gratitude, for many of us, it has become a bit of an eating gauntlet. Especially for any of us with more than one celebration to attend. As we head into holiday mode (regardless of where you are in the world), I want